El Centro del Cardenal provides youth, ages 15 to 21 years old, with the following alternative educational programs. The program hours are from 8:10 A.M. to 1:50 P.M. and evenings from 5:00P.M to 9:00 P.M

The Youth Education mission is to provide learners with a quality education using a rigorous curriculum that promotes high academic achievement, and market standard technology. Holistic interventions promote youth development. Teachers prepare youth to pass standardized tests, and connect curriculum to real life experiences. They are also available to students for individualized tutoring outside of class.

Program History

El Centro del Cardenal has provided uninterrupted bilingual, alternative education and employment services for at-risk youth, primarily Latino, since 1978. A holistic approach to Youth Alternative Education incorporates case management services, counseling and skill enhancement. The daytime English and Spanish GED programs prepare 15-21 years old out-of-school youth to take the GED exams.

In 1995, the El Centro del Cardenal/Boston Public School Alternative High School Program was established, offering Latino youth who attend classes at El Centro del Cardenal the opportunity to earn a diploma. Then, in 1997, the competency based “Diploma Plus” program began. “Diploma Plus” pairs class work at El Centro del Cardenal with an internship and community college courses.

A component of the youth program is a specialty curriculum for young parents. The Young Parents Program is a holistic model, which provides comprehensive services to pregnant and parenting teens. Our goal is to support these young parents to build the strengths, skills and knowledge necessary to become nurturing and self-sufficient caregivers to their children, in addition to achieving either a GED or BPS diploma.

Finally, the Night School was established in July of 1998, offering educational opportunities for students who are unable to attend day classes. The school to career component in both the Day Diploma and the GED daytime programs is clearly defined through the emphasis placed in the range of careers options open to students, the education and training requirements necessary to realize them, and the increasing importance of post-secondary education. El Centro del Cardenal’s Youth Education program enrolls between 120 and 160 teenagers and young adults annually between the day and evening program.